Here's the base of my pitch thus far... if you'd care. ;)
COMBAT -------
Str/ Power melee attacks, carrying weight, lifting weight
Dex/ Firearms, ranged weapons, delicate skills
Agl/ Speed melee attacks, movement speed, combat turn
End/ Immunity, hit points, stamina
Cha/ NPC interactions
Int/ Learning ability, science skills,
Wil/ Mental power, pain tolerance, addictive, determination
MAGICAL ------
Esn/ PC's ability to channel Essence through their body
Weapon proficiency trees
Melee: Knife / One-hand pierce / One-hand impact / Two-hand
Ranged: Bow / Pistols / Longarms
Armor: Sheild / Heavy armor / Light armor
Esn: Element / Force / Manipulation / Power / Void / Immerse
Combat skills -----
Unarmed (Str or Agl, as determined by style)
Melee (Str or Agl, as determined by weapon)
Ranged (Dex based)
Knowlage skills ---
Chemist (Int) antibiotics (+medicine skill), explosives, acids
Crafting (Int) creating bow/arrows, traps, shelters, light armor
Engineer (Int) ess circuitry, steam power, EV engines
Smithing (Dex) firearm components, melee weapons, armor, repair
Medicine (Int) mixing salves, poison, patching wounds
Social skills -----
Acting (Cha) not looking out of place, discipline
Reason (Cha) related to argument, haggling, or persuading
Leader (Cha) coursing others to follow or be inspired
Fright (Cha) intimidation and threatening
Mundane skills ----