dark, disturbing, amazing.
should have been a Halloween submission. :p
well done art and animation. sound fx was gruesome too! :D
short, but very worthy of front page!
dark, disturbing, amazing.
should have been a Halloween submission. :p
well done art and animation. sound fx was gruesome too! :D
short, but very worthy of front page!
no it aint
sparks an adorible type of anger...deep inside me.
Fawks just got killed by a deathclaw, i was angry so i took a break. and now, i watch this movie.
i too have drank toilet water. and seeing someone else do it is an eye opener; i now realize, i too, am addicted. however seeing Gears of awesome motivated me... im so addicted but conflicted ...
i need to over come this...
hold me please.
I feel your loss :( I just lost Dogmeat to a group of angry robots.
Fawkes is still with me though, as he's a nigh-indestructible badass.
Glad you liked it; it was a really good day for the portal today!
if i took acid and watched a movie durning a rave-
this is what i would have remembered from the movie. random, epic music, and MOAR random.
it looks like it would have been an epic movie. if i wasn't tripping balls when i saw it. wait.
im confusing a hypothetical situation with reality.
meth is a hell of a drug.
srsly tho, great animation and seemingly good premise, lacks voice or story, so this is more experimental than a epic fantasy. in the end really good tho.
Gawd Victor I love you, don't do this to me! When you do drugs you come home and beat me and the kids! I'm divorcing you if you keep this up!
quick howver cute.
i didn't understand how this little child randomly switched to 2d mode and had a magic pot , or "alchemy jar", was conveniently there, perhaps if i played "DOMO" i would understand.
unfortunatly i never even heard of the game until i read the comments up there.
also it seemed rushed.
every scene after the first ghoul was nothing but the next ghoul or the final resolve.
good flash, dont get me wrong, i liked it.
but this is my personal thoughts. :)
good music choice!
im kinda a fan of some of ur stuff. have been for a while.....
good to see shit from you! i really liked how you nailed that style.
peace, n***a.
Wow that really means a lot, thanks! I recently finished the artwork for a badass sniper game, should be out in a week or 2 in case you want to check it out. Thanks again!
The outcome fo some effort.
overall, you have a lot to learn about basic art, HOWEVER, the start of a plot and a thought out one too. (to some degree at least.) i didn't exactly like the Directing though. at least certain scenes. Just seems too Close up and the background seems to distract. drawing the eyes, making it harder to FULLY take in whats happening. Only time and Experience can solve that. God knows Im struggling with that shit >_<
so i have to say good job.
it seems like your trying and that is, in the end, what matters in art.
It's just a cartoon,so art isn't a major factor, eventually i might add shadow, but it's not something to worry about.
great idea
if you became bettter at flash it would indeed be a pinical of inovative ideas.
for next time: move your symbols further into the pasteboard. i could see the stickmen on the side of the screen. the PasteBoard is there JUST for this purpose. UTILIZE IT!
Err... Pasteboard? What is a pasteboard... The sitckman was ment to be there... I hit him on to a wall... No wonder you couldn't understand this flash. It was because you were to busy judging my awesomely great skills rather than watching the movie...
i really liked it.
i liked the animation and the portrayal. keep it up. i enjoyed the since of peace in the environment you set too. But i Hate that story. Sisyphus the surf to that king of Corinth... i just... maybe its because i had to read it in Latin. 0.0
So. Nos vero Sisyphe heri te et longo spatio ad Stratonici ostentationem expectavimus, ut nobiscum virum sapientem res multas, et pulchras, verboque, et opere ostentantem audires: et postquam arbitrati sumus te amplius non esse venturum, ipsi virum audivimus.
yea. im a show-off =D probably mispelled some of that horribly. w\e
well it's better than i could do, thanks mate ^.^
Age 34, Male
Joined on 10/5/07